Catching A Trap Shy Mole
Yesterday I received a phone call from a lady who had just moved into a new property in West Byfleet and mole hills have been popping up all over the averaged size lawn for a few weeks.
After discussing the service I offer she went on to tell me her husband had already attempted to catch the mole using a trap he had bought Online.
Alarm bells starting ringing at this point. Why?
Well, it's common for moles to become "trap shy" when someone has attempted to catch them and failed. Normally they will buy cheap traps that are not tweaked to be effective and the moles tend to fill them with soil and become wary.
This is a prime example when a mole catcher has to change tactics to catch the mole.
I started out on the opporsite side of the garden to where the customer had set his tunnel traps with no catch.
Then I simply opted to use the Talpex trap instead of the tunnel trap as they work in a different way allowing you to fill the hole in with soil so the mole thinks its tunnel has collapsed. With no trap in sight the mole will try to rebuild its tunnel pushing the soil upwards to rebuild the roof. This will set the trap off catching the mole quickly and humanly.
Just a small change makes a big difference! Caught the next day.